Lawyer, consultant and legal opinion author specialized in economic and corporate criminal law. Member of the Rio de Janeiro State Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RJ) and the Federal District Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/DF).
Author of many books as well as articles published in the main Brazilian legal journals.
Member of the Brazilian Economic Penal Law Institute (IBDPE), of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Procedural Law (IBRASPP) and the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM).
Tenured Professor in the postgraduate program, teaching procedural law, and the undergraduate program, teaching criminal procedure law, at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Law School. Tenured Professor in the undergraduate program of the National Law School (FND), associated with Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), teaching criminal procedural law. Frequent participant at conferences and other events in Brazil and guest lecturer at various research and teaching institutions in the country.
Postdoctorate in Democracy and Human Rights from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Doctorate in Criminal Procedure Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School. LL.M. in Penal Sciences from Candido Mendes University (UCAM) Law School. Specialization in Economic Criminal Law and European Law from the University of Coimbra. Baccalaureate in Law from Rio de Janeiro Catholic University (PUC-Rio).
Former Member of the National Criminal and Penitentiary Policy Council (CNPCP) of the Ministry of Justice. Former board member of the Rio de Janeiro State Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RJ). Former chairman of the Special Committee on Criminal Law Studies of the OAB/RJ.
Languages: Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish.